School of Missions and Evangelism
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19
The School of Missions and Evangelism (SOME) is a secondary school designed to equip believers with wisdom, experience, and confidence to live missional lives centered around Jesus.
Whether you want to reach people across the globe or across your own city, the SOME provides the foundation needed to impact the unreached with God’s love and redemption.
This in-depth course involves 12 weeks of training and equipping in Honolulu followed by 10 weeks of overseas ministry to prepare you for long-term commitment wherever God is calling you.
If you’re passionate about changing lives, families, and communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this is the school for you.
Come join us for our next school!
Phase One
Train & Equip
10 Weeks. 10 Topics. 10 Diverse speakers
who have lived out what they teach — all picked specifically to give you the most preparation and wisdom for a life devoted to Jesus’ ministry.
Lecture Topics:
- Evangelism
- Leadership Development
- Church Planting
- Community Development and Transformation
- Pioneering Ministries
- Teaching and Preaching
- Biblical Foundations for Missions
- Perspectives Training
- Strategic World Missions
- Team Dynamics and Leading
Practical Training:
- Proclamation and Evangelism
- Support Raising and Networking
- Ministry Planning and Budgeting
- Discipleship and Mentorship
- Seeking and Adopting God’s Heart for the Lost
- Language Learning
- Spiritual Disciplines
Phase Two
Following the training portion, your team will embark on a 10 week evangelical outreach to a nation within the 10/40 window or to a crisis location. You will be strategically partnered with a long-term missionary who is pioneering new ministry; so your outreach will be relationship-oriented—aimed at creating more community around your contact as you learn and serve.
You will gain experience and knowledge through:
- Receiving ministry mentorship from frontline pioneers.
- Seeking the Lord to make team decisions.
- Budgeting your own ministry and personal costs.
- Working as a team to transform a community.
- Taking personal initiative in a cross-cultural environment.
- Furthering the vision and ministry of a long-term missionary.
Ministry opportunities may include:
- Door to Door Evangelism.
- Bible Distribution.
- Children’s Ministry.
- House Fellowship Pioneering.
- Relational Evangelism.
- Seminar/Event Hosting.
- Community Service.
- Village Trips.
- Hospital Visits.
- College Ministry.
Do you want to grow in the skills and the callings God has given you through missions?
Apply today to join us for our next school and/or contact us at
Upcoming School of Missions and Evangelism: TBD
Lecture Phase $4,200
Outreach Phase $2,300 + airfare and visa for outreach location
YWAM Discipleship Training School (IDS 701/702)
YWAM Crossroads Discipleship Training School (IDS 703/704)